Candidates Answers

From left, Brooks Compton, David McNabb, Greg Mengarelli, and Deb Pernice are seeking the Yavapai County Supervisors, District 1, seat in the Primary Election.

The following are questions which were submitted to all of the candidates by attendees after the Candidates Forum:    (Answers in alphabetical order)

  1. What would you do to promote development in concentric growth areas and protect rural areas per the Yavapai County Comprehensive Plan?

Brooks Compton:

Comprehensive government plans or 20 years plans are never followed.  The political will always seems to fall apart.  My promise is to move forward with the desires of the communities I would serve.  The answer to this question is close to the first question.  The establishment of rural preservation (Historic) areas is key to revitalization of the area.

David McNabb:

To promote development, I would look for ways to DEREGULATE!

Greg Mengarelli:

I WILL NOT promote growth/development in rural Yavapai County. Instead, I will work hard to preserve our wide-open spaces by working with ranchers and landowners to change zoning to lower density (ie. From 2 acre minimum to 15 acre minimum). Of course, any deed restrictions or zoning changes would be voluntary, I would never try to force a landowner to change their zoning. I believe growth or development belongs near municipalities that have the proper infrastructure to support it.

Deb Pernice:

Most people move into or remain in rural and suburban areas because they prefer to be removed from urban crowding. As District 1 supervisor, I will focus on assuring that the community has adequate infrastructure and access to public safety, health care and clean water in considering new development.

2. Would you support going back to a three-person board?

Brooks Compton:

I would not support going back to a three-person board.  The area is too large and with developers pushing their way in our County we need smaller districts so each Supervisor can concentrate on preserving what we all enjoy.  Of course, this requires the strength of the entire district, sticking together as one.

David McNabb:

The number of board members is based on the population of the county, so the supervisors have no control over that.

Greg Mengarelli:

Because of the size of Yavapai County and the varied needs across the county, I don’t believe it would be a good idea to go back to a 3 member board. It is important that residents have a voice and proper representation and I think a 3 member board would hinder that.

Deb Pernice:

No. There are five (5) districts. If there were fewer board members, the more densely populated areas like Prescott would become even more dominant over the rural areas and power would be more concentrated in those three board members. Yarnell is better represented with their own supervisor in District One with Five Supervisors/Board members.

The following are questions which were submitted to individual candidates by attendees after the Candidates Forum:  (Candidates listed in alphabetical order)

Brooks Compton:

  • Development here is hindered by antique infrastructure in old businesses.  The buildings are so compromised (they can’t pass code) that no one is willing to renovate them, so ½ dozen old businesses sit rotting on our highway.  What can be done?   

Health and safety of the community comes first.  The goal should be to create a tax structure to incentivize the property owners to redo the building or build new structures.  The county can form Rural preservation or historic districts(areas) to reduce the tax burden to incentivize owners to build or rebuild. The rural preservation (Historic) areas can also be formed encompassing the entire town if residents wish.  This is done inside cities such as Prescott’s historic districts.  In the historic districts it is common for the yearly property tax bill to be 15% of standard rates.

  • Have you spoken to local residents regarding your making our rural area a “traffic corridor”?  That is not what the community wants.  You will turn our rural area into a freeway that brings more Dollar General stores and unwanted development.

I am not in favor of creating a large-scale traffic corridor.   Revitalization of the existing area needs to come first.  This means putting revitalization of the core of Yarnell first.  For example having the County provide the $200,000 they offered but without the strings of taking the library.  My goal is to give the folks that do travel through the town more reasons to stop in the town.  No more Dollar stores!

  • You used to be a Democrat, what do you not like about today’s Democratic Party?

I switched my party registration decades ago.  Mainly because of Harry Reid.  The Democrat party did not allow any dissenting opinions or new ideas.  The current part structure is pretty much the same but has gone too far to the Left.  Of course the Republican party has gone too far to the Right.  I am proud of the fact that my campaign encompasses all parties.  I was putting two 4×4 signs in the front yard of a lifelong Democrat this morning.  She switched to being an Independent to vote for me.  Caring about everyone’s positions and ideas is the strength of who I am as a person and how I would represent all residents.  

Thank you for the forum and allowing me to clarify some of my positions.  Brooks Compton

David McNabb:

  • Why have you not been to the Weaver Mountains area and Yarnell previously?

I have not been to the Weaver Mt. area because I have not been invited to come for any occasion.

Blessings,     David McNabb     

Greg Mengarelli:

  • Please address the perceived Rodeo conflict.

I currently work part time for Prescott Frontier Days, a 501c4 not for profit governed by the PFD board and the 1888 Buckle Club, a 501c3 non-profit governed by the Buckle Club board. These entities are not affiliated with the county government nor do they receive funding from the county. My salary comes from revenues generated by the two non-profit entities. I approached the county manager several months ago about any potential conflicts of interest if I am elected and he stated that he consulted with the county attorney and they do not anticipate any conflict of interest. If in the future a conflict arises, I would simply recuse myself from that vote/action.

Best regards,  Greg Mengarelli

Deb Pernice:

  • Why have you not been to the Weaver Mountains area and Yarnell previously?

I have been there, especially when I have been invited. I had to miss a couple of events at the Library /Community Center earlier this year when I had flu and didn’t want to cough all over everyone. I have been there several times, I visited St. Joseph’s Shrine, the courthouse and a few local businesses there.

  • Please explain how spending your life in “public service” makes you qualified to go on another tax payer paid job?

I learned to navigate government bureaucracy through my work experience in the private and public sector, and I will use that experience to work for my constituents in District 1.

I worked for 20 years at a city about 1 ½ times the size of Yavapai County. I advised and represented every department in the city in state and federal court, including large entertainment venues like the convention center and baseball stadium, police, fire, electric and water utility, personnel, public library (2), parks and recreation, planning, traffic engineering, redevelopment, code enforcement, fleet and maintenance and many others.

My record of public service, unlike private business, was always subject to public scrutiny and it is “unscrubbed” from the internet. I also earned the highest rating for integrity and competence in both private and public law practice.  I am well acquainted with the ethical boundaries of public service and as an officer of the court, and I have an established reputation for adhering to those standards.

Before I was practicing law and my public service career, I was an assistant VP for an international residential real estate developer where I managed their mortgage division and functioned as a FNMA, FHLMC, VA and FHA mortgage loan underwriter.

Before working as a city attorney (and after I retired from that job) I was self-employed in private civil law practice, representing small businesses and individuals in employment and real estate related litigation. I also worked as a volunteer traffic and small claims judge for over a decade. I was always faithful to my sworn duty to serve the public and clients’ bests interests first, placing my personal preferences and interests aside.

Thanks for the opportunity at the forum.  Deb Pernice